Csaba Szilvay : Colourstrings Cello ABC: Book G

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ColourStrings Cello ABC: Book G continues the Cello ABC series. In book G the focus is on scales and modes, positions and intonation, parallel and relative keys, whole tone scale, chromatic scale, twelve-tone technique and distance scales.

The Colourstrings method by Géza and Csaba Szilvay
• develops the capacity for inner hearing using singing and relative solmization
• left-hand “numbered pizzicato” prepares all fingers for stopping motion
• makes use of natural harmonics to teach the left hand an optimal, relaxed position
• suitable also for group teaching

Based on Zoltán Kodály's philosophy, the Colourstrings method domesticates the instruments and the instrumental teaching to meet the child's need.

The standard stave system is reached step by step: it initially starts with no stave at all, then introduces the one-line and two-line staves, then the two-line system superimposed within a five-line stave, and finally, the full five-line stave.

Colours and visual presentation awaken and maintain interest and make the learning process easier, more enjoyable, deeper and longer-lasting. During 50 years of time, the ever-developing Colourstrings method has brought up hundreds of professional musicians of many generations.

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TekijäCsaba Szilvay
Teoksen nimiColourstrings Cello ABC: Book G
☎ 040 541 9287 (arkisin klo 8-15)
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